


 Sentinel 系统自适应保护从整体维度对应用入口流量进行控制,结合应用的 Load、总体平均 RT、入口 QPS 和线程数等几个维度的监控指标,让系统的入口流量和系统的负载达到一个平衡,让系统尽可能跑在最大吞吐量的同时保证系统整体的稳定性。官网有原理介绍:

system-adaptive-protection | Sentinel



系统自适应限流规则针对所有流量类型为 IN 的资源生效,因此不需要配置规则的资源名称。SystemRule 定义的字段如下:

public class SystemRule extends AbstractRule {

     * negative value means no threshold checking.
     * 按系统负载限流的阈值,默认 -1,大于 0.0 才生效。
    private double highestSystemLoad = -1;
     * cpu usage, between [0, 1]
     * 按 CPU 使用率限流的阈值,取值[0,1]之间,默认 -1,大于等于 0.0 才生效。
    private double highestCpuUsage = -1;
    //按 QPS 限流的阈值,默认 -1,大于 0 才生效。
    private double qps = -1;
    //按平均耗时的限流阈值,默认 -1,大于 0 才生效。
    private long avgRt = -1;
    //最大并行占用的线程数阈值,默认 -1,大于 0 才生效。
    private long maxThread = -1;

如果配置了多个 SystemRule,则每个配置项只取最小值,这在调用 SystemRuleManager#loadRules 方法加载规则完成。

 public static void loadSystemConf(SystemRule rule) {
        // 是否开启系统自适应限流判断功能
        boolean checkStatus = false;
        // Check if it's valid.
        // highestSystemLoad
        if (rule.getHighestSystemLoad() >= 0) {
            // 多个规则都配置则取最小值
            highestSystemLoad = Math.min(highestSystemLoad, rule.getHighestSystemLoad());
            highestSystemLoadIsSet = true;
            checkStatus = true;
        // highestCpuUsage
        if (rule.getHighestCpuUsage() >= 0) {
            if (rule.getHighestCpuUsage() > 1) {
                RecordLog.warn(String.format("[SystemRuleManager] Ignoring invalid SystemRule: "
                    + "highestCpuUsage %.3f > 1", rule.getHighestCpuUsage()));
            } else {   // 多个规则都配置则取最小值
                highestCpuUsage = Math.min(highestCpuUsage, rule.getHighestCpuUsage());
                highestCpuUsageIsSet = true;
                checkStatus = true;
        // avgRt
        if (rule.getAvgRt() >= 0) { // 多个规则都配置则取最小值
            maxRt = Math.min(maxRt, rule.getAvgRt());
            maxRtIsSet = true;
            checkStatus = true;
        // maxThread
        if (rule.getMaxThread() >= 0) { // 多个规则都配置则取最小值
            maxThread = Math.min(maxThread, rule.getMaxThread());
            maxThreadIsSet = true;
            checkStatus = true;
        // qps
        if (rule.getQps() >= 0) {
            qps = Math.min(qps, rule.getQps());
            qpsIsSet = true;
            checkStatus = true;




       SystemSlot 是实现系统自适应限流的切入点。DegradeSlot 在 ProcessorSlotChain 链表中被放在 FlowSlot 的后面,作为限流的兜底解决方案,而 SystemSlot 在 ProcessorSlotChain 链表中被放在 FlowSlot 的前面,强制优先考虑系统目前的情况能否处理当前请求,让系统尽可能跑在最大吞吐量的同时保证系统的稳定性。

      当 SystemSlot#entry 方法被调用时,由 SystemSlot 调用 SystemRuleManager#checkSystem 方法判断是否需要限流,流程如下图所示:

public class SystemSlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode> {

    public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count,
                      boolean prioritized, Object... args) throws Throwable {
        SystemRuleManager.checkSystem(resourceWrapper, count);
        fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);

    public void exit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args) {
        fireExit(context, resourceWrapper, count, args);


 SystemRuleManager#checkSystem 方法从全局的资源指标数据统计节点 Constans.ENTRY_NODE 读取当前时间窗口的指标数据,判断总的 QPS、平均耗时这些指标数据是否达到阈值,或者总占用的线程数是否达到阈值,如果达到阈值则抛出 Block 异常(SystemBlockException)。除此之外,checkSystem 方法还实现了根据系统当前 Load 和 CPU 使用率限流。

  public static void checkSystem(ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count) throws BlockException {
        if (resourceWrapper == null) {
        // Ensure the checking switch is on.
        // 如果有配置 SystemRule,则 checkSystemStatus 为 true
        if (!checkSystemStatus.get()) {

        // for inbound traffic only 只限流类型为 IN 的流量
        if (resourceWrapper.getEntryType() != EntryType.IN) {

        // total qps  qps 限流
        double currentQps = Constants.ENTRY_NODE.passQps();
        if (currentQps + count > qps) {
            throw new SystemBlockException(resourceWrapper.getName(), "qps");

        // total thread 占用线程数限流
        int currentThread = Constants.ENTRY_NODE.curThreadNum();
        if (currentThread > maxThread) {
            throw new SystemBlockException(resourceWrapper.getName(), "thread");
        // 平均耗时限流
        double rt = Constants.ENTRY_NODE.avgRt();
        if (rt > maxRt) {
            throw new SystemBlockException(resourceWrapper.getName(), "rt");

        // load. BBR algorithm.    系统平均负载限流
        if (highestSystemLoadIsSet && getCurrentSystemAvgLoad() > highestSystemLoad) {
            if (!checkBbr(currentThread)) {
                throw new SystemBlockException(resourceWrapper.getName(), "load");

        // cpu usage 使用率限流
        if (highestCpuUsageIsSet && getCurrentCpuUsage() > highestCpuUsage) {
            throw new SystemBlockException(resourceWrapper.getName(), "cpu");

linux 经常使用top命令查看系统的平均负载(Load)和 CPU 使用率。Sentinel 通过定时任务每秒钟使用 OperatingSystemMXBean API 获取这两个指标数据的值。


origin-authority-control | Sentinel

很多时候,我们需要根据调用方来限制资源是否通过,这时候可以使用 Sentinel 的黑白名单控制的功能。黑白名单根据资源的请求来源(origin)限制资源是否通过,若配置白名单则只有请求来源位于白名单内时才可通过;若配置黑名单则请求来源位于黑名单时不通过,其余的请求通过。

调用方信息通过 ContextUtil.enter(resourceName, origin) 方法中的 origin 参数传入。


  • AuthoritySlot:实现黑白名称授权功能的切入点(ProcessorSlot)
  • AuthorityRule:授权规则类
  • AuthorityRuleChecker:授权检测类
  • AuthorityRuleManager:授权规则管理者,提供 loadRuls API
  • AuthorityException:授权检测异常,继承 BlockException


public class AuthorityRule extends AbstractRule {

     * Mode: 0 for whitelist; 1 for blacklist.
     * 限制模式,默认白名单
    private int strategy = RuleConstant.AUTHORITY_WHITE;


  • resource:资源名称,从父类继承而来。
  • limitApp:限制的来源名称,在 AuthorityRule 中可配置多个,使用‘,’号分隔。


在使用默认的 SlotChainBuilder 情况下,AuthoritySlot 被放在 SystemSlot、FlowSlot、DegradeSlot 的前面,其优先级更高。

public class AuthoritySlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode> {

    public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count, boolean prioritized, Object... args)
        throws Throwable {//访问控制校验
        checkBlackWhiteAuthority(resourceWrapper, context);
        fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);

    public void exit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args) {
        fireExit(context, resourceWrapper, count, args);

    void checkBlackWhiteAuthority(ResourceWrapper resource, Context context) throws AuthorityException {
        //从 AuthorityRuleManager 获取当前配置的所有授权规则
        Map<String, Set<AuthorityRule>> authorityRules = AuthorityRuleManager.getAuthorityRules();

        if (authorityRules == null) {
        Set<AuthorityRule> rules = authorityRules.get(resource.getName());
        if (rules == null) {
        for (AuthorityRule rule : rules) {
            //判断是否拒绝当前请求,是则抛出 AuthorityException 异常。
            if (!AuthorityRuleChecker.passCheck(rule, context)) {
                throw new AuthorityException(context.getOrigin(), rule);


AuthorityRuleChecker 负责实现黑白名单的过滤逻辑,首先是从当前 Context 获取调用来源的名称,只有在调用来源不为空且规则配置了黑名单或者白名单的情况下,才会走黑白名单的过滤逻辑

static boolean passCheck(AuthorityRule rule, Context context) {
        String requester = context.getOrigin(); // 获取来源

        // Empty origin or empty limitApp will pass. 来源为空,或者规则配置的limitApp为空 则不拦截请求
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(requester) || StringUtil.isEmpty(rule.getLimitApp())) {
            return true;

        // Do exact match with origin name. 字符串查找,这一步起到快速过滤的作用,提升性能
        int pos = rule.getLimitApp().indexOf(requester);
        boolean contain = pos > -1;
        // 存在才精确匹配
        if (contain) {
            boolean exactlyMatch = false;
            // 分隔数组
            String[] appArray = rule.getLimitApp().split(",");
            for (String app : appArray) {
                if (requester.equals(app)) {
                    // 标志设置为 true
                    exactlyMatch = true;

            contain = exactlyMatch;
        // 策略
        int strategy = rule.getStrategy();
        // 如果是黑名单,且来源存在规则配置的黑名单中,拦截
        if (strategy == RuleConstant.AUTHORITY_BLACK && contain) {
            return false;
        // 如果是白名单,且来源不存在规则配置的白名单中,拦截
        if (strategy == RuleConstant.AUTHORITY_WHITE && !contain) {
            return false;

        return true;


何为热点?热点即经常访问的数据。很多时候我们希望统计某个热点数据中访问频次最高的 Top K 数据,并对其访问进行限制。比如:

  • 商品 ID 为参数,统计一段时间内最常购买的商品 ID 并进行限制
  • 用户 ID 为参数,针对一段时间内频繁访问的用户 ID 进行限制


Sentinel 利用 LRU 策略统计最近最常访问的热点参数,结合令牌桶算法来进行参数级别的流控。

parameter-flow-control | Sentinel


热点参数限流功能在 Sentinel 源码的扩展功能模块为 sentinel-extension,子模块为 sentinel-parameter-flow-control。


  1. 直接限流:令牌桶原理
  2. 匀速限流:漏桶原理


 参数限流规则 ParamFlowRule

public class ParamFlowRule extends AbstractRule {

    public ParamFlowRule() {}

    public ParamFlowRule(String resourceName) {

     * The threshold type of flow control (0: thread count, 1: QPS).
     * 限流规则的阈值类型
    private int grade = RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_QPS;

     * Parameter index.
     * 参数索引,ParamFlowChecker 根据限流规则的参数索引获取参数的值,下标从 0 开始,
     * 例如方法 public String apiHello(String name),该方法只有一个参数,索引为 0 对应 name 参数。
    private Integer paramIdx;

     * The threshold count.
     * 阈值
    private double count;

     * Traffic shaping behavior (since 1.6.0).
     * 流量控制效果,同 FlowRule
    private int controlBehavior = RuleConstant.CONTROL_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT;
    private int maxQueueingTimeMs = 0;
    private int burstCount = 0;
    private long durationInSec = 1;

     * Original exclusion items of parameters.参数例外项,
    private List<ParamFlowItem> paramFlowItemList = new ArrayList<ParamFlowItem>();



public final class ParamFlowRuleManager {
    private static final Map<String, List<ParamFlowRule>> PARAM_FLOW_RULES = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    private final static RulePropertyListener PROPERTY_LISTENER = new RulePropertyListener();
    private static SentinelProperty<List<ParamFlowRule>> currentProperty = new DynamicSentinelProperty<>();

    static {



sentinel-parameter-flow-control 模块通过 Java SPI 注册自定义的 SlotChainBuilder,即注册 HotParamSlotChainBuilder,将 ParamFlowSlot 放置在 StatisticSlot 的后面,这个 ParamFlowSlot 就是实现热点参数限流功能的切入点,当达到设置的阈值时抛出ParamFlowException。

public class ParamFlowSlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode> {

    public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count,
                      boolean prioritized, Object... args) throws Throwable {
        if (!ParamFlowRuleManager.hasRules(resourceWrapper.getName())) {
            fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);
        checkFlow(resourceWrapper, count, args);
        fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);

    public void exit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args) {
        fireExit(context, resourceWrapper, count, args);

    void applyRealParamIdx(/*@NonNull*/ ParamFlowRule rule, int length) {
        int paramIdx = rule.getParamIdx();
        if (paramIdx < 0) {
            if (-paramIdx <= length) {
                rule.setParamIdx(length + paramIdx);
            } else {
                // Illegal index, give it a illegal positive value, latter rule checking will pass.

    void checkFlow(ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args) throws BlockException {
        if (args == null) {//参数为空,checkFlow 方法的最后一个参数是请求参数
        if (!ParamFlowRuleManager.hasRules(resourceWrapper.getName())) {
        List<ParamFlowRule> rules = ParamFlowRuleManager.getRulesOfResource(resourceWrapper.getName());

        for (ParamFlowRule rule : rules) {
            // 从 args 中获取本次限流需要使用的 value
            applyRealParamIdx(rule, args.length);

            // Initialize the parameter metrics. 当前资源初始化创建 ParameterMetric
            ParameterMetricStorage.initParamMetricsFor(resourceWrapper, rule);
            if (!ParamFlowChecker.passCheck(resourceWrapper, rule, count, args)) {
                String triggeredParam = "";
                if (args.length > rule.getParamIdx()) {
                    Object value = args[rule.getParamIdx()];
                    // Assign actual value with the result of paramFlowKey method
                    if (value instanceof ParamFlowArgument) {
                        value = ((ParamFlowArgument) value).paramFlowKey();
                    triggeredParam = String.valueOf(value);
                throw new ParamFlowException(resourceWrapper.getName(), triggeredParam, rule);
参数限流中的 Node
  • ParameterMetricStorage:用于实现类似 EntranceNode 功能,管理和存储每个资源对应的 ParameterMetric。ParameterMetricStorage#initParamMetricsFor
public static void initParamMetricsFor(ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, /*@Valid*/ ParamFlowRule rule) {
        if (resourceWrapper == null || resourceWrapper.getName() == null) {
        String resourceName = resourceWrapper.getName();
        ParameterMetric metric;
        // Assume that the resource is valid.
        // 双重检测,线程安全,为资源创建全局唯一的 ParameterMetric
        if ((metric = metricsMap.get(resourceName)) == null) {
            synchronized (LOCK) {
                if ((metric = metricsMap.get(resourceName)) == null) {
                    metric = new ParameterMetric();
                    metricsMap.put(resourceWrapper.getName(), metric);
          "[ParameterMetricStorage] Creating parameter metric for: {}", resourceWrapper.getName());
  • ParameterMetric:用于实现类似 ClusterNode 的统计功能。
 public void initialize(ParamFlowRule rule) {
        if (!ruleTimeCounters.containsKey(rule)) {
            synchronized (lock) {
                if (ruleTimeCounters.get(rule) == null) {
                    long size = Math.min(BASE_PARAM_MAX_CAPACITY * rule.getDurationInSec(), TOTAL_MAX_CAPACITY);
                    ruleTimeCounters.put(rule, new ConcurrentLinkedHashMapWrapper<Object, AtomicLong>(size));

        if (!ruleTokenCounter.containsKey(rule)) {
            synchronized (lock) {
                if (ruleTokenCounter.get(rule) == null) {
                    long size = Math.min(BASE_PARAM_MAX_CAPACITY * rule.getDurationInSec(), TOTAL_MAX_CAPACITY);
                    ruleTokenCounter.put(rule, new ConcurrentLinkedHashMapWrapper<Object, AtomicLong>(size));

        if (!threadCountMap.containsKey(rule.getParamIdx())) {
            synchronized (lock) {
                if (threadCountMap.get(rule.getParamIdx()) == null) {
                        new ConcurrentLinkedHashMapWrapper<Object, AtomicInteger>(THREAD_COUNT_MAX_CAPACITY));
  • ruleTimeCounters:用于实现匀速流量控制效果,key 为参数限流规则(ParamFlowRule),值为参数不同取值对应的上次生产令牌的时间。用于 QPS 限流
  • ruleTokenCounter:用于实现匀速流量控制效果,key 为参数限流规则(ParamFlowRule),值为参数不同取值对应的当前令牌桶中的令牌数。用于 QPS 限流
  • threadCountMap:key 为参数索引,值为参数不同取值对应的当前并行占用的线程总数。

接下来看看ParamFlowChecker.passCheck,passCheck 返回 true 表示放行,返回 false 表示拒绝。

 public static boolean passCheck(ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, /*@Valid*/ ParamFlowRule rule, /*@Valid*/ int count,
                             Object... args) {
        if (args == null) {
            return true;
        // 判断参数索引是否合法
        int paramIdx = rule.getParamIdx();
        if (args.length <= paramIdx) {
            return true;

        // Get parameter value. 获取参数值,如果值为空则允许通过
        Object value = args[paramIdx];

        // Assign value with the result of paramFlowKey method
        if (value instanceof ParamFlowArgument) {
            value = ((ParamFlowArgument) value).paramFlowKey();
        // If value is null, then pass
        if (value == null) {
            return true;
       // 集群限流
        if (rule.isClusterMode() && rule.getGrade() == RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_QPS) {
            return passClusterCheck(resourceWrapper, rule, count, value);
        return passLocalCheck(resourceWrapper, rule, count, value);

先不看集群限流情况,仅看单机本地限流情况。passLocalCheck 方法的源码如下:

   private static boolean passLocalCheck(ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, ParamFlowRule rule, int count,
                                          Object value) {
        try { // 基本数据类型
            if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
                for (Object param : ((Collection)value)) {
                    if (!passSingleValueCheck(resourceWrapper, rule, count, param)) {
                        return false;
            } else if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
                int length = Array.getLength(value);
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    Object param = Array.get(value, i);
                    if (!passSingleValueCheck(resourceWrapper, rule, count, param)) {
                        return false;
            } else {   // 引用类型
                return passSingleValueCheck(resourceWrapper, rule, count, value);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            RecordLog.warn("[ParamFlowChecker] Unexpected error", e);

        return true;

 由于参数可能是基本数据类型,也可能是数组类型,或者引用类型,所以 passLocalCheck 方法分三种情况处理,数组需要遍历,先看passSingleValueCheck方法。

 static boolean passSingleValueCheck(ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, ParamFlowRule rule, int acquireCount,
                                        Object value) {
        if (rule.getGrade() == RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_QPS) {
            if (rule.getControlBehavior() == RuleConstant.CONTROL_BEHAVIOR_RATE_LIMITER) {
                return passThrottleLocalCheck(resourceWrapper, rule, acquireCount, value);
            } else {//直接限流
                return passDefaultLocalCheck(resourceWrapper, rule, acquireCount, value);
            // 线程级限流逻辑
        } else if (rule.getGrade() == RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_THREAD) {
            Set<Object> exclusionItems = rule.getParsedHotItems().keySet();
            //获取当前资源的 ParameterMetric,从而获取线程数
            long threadCount = getParameterMetric(resourceWrapper).getThreadCount(rule.getParamIdx(), value);
            if (exclusionItems.contains(value)) {
                int itemThreshold = rule.getParsedHotItems().get(value);
                //并行占用的线程总数+1 大于限流阈值则限流
                return ++threadCount <= itemThreshold;
            long threshold = (long)rule.getCount();
            return ++threadCount <= threshold;

        return true;

 快速失败基于令牌桶算法实现。passDefaultLocalCheck 方法控制每个时间窗口只生产一次令牌,将令牌放入令牌桶,每个请求都从令牌桶中取走令牌,当令牌足够时放行,当令牌不足时直接拒绝。ParameterMetric#tokenCounters 用作令牌桶,timeCounters 存储最近一次生产令牌的时间。

static boolean passDefaultLocalCheck(ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, ParamFlowRule rule, int acquireCount,
                                         Object value) {
        //根据资源获取 ParameterMetric
        ParameterMetric metric = getParameterMetric(resourceWrapper);
        //从ParameterMetric  获取当前限流规则的令牌桶和最近一次生产令牌的时间
        CacheMap<Object, AtomicLong> tokenCounters = metric == null ? null : metric.getRuleTokenCounter(rule);
        CacheMap<Object, AtomicLong> timeCounters = metric == null ? null : metric.getRuleTimeCounter(rule);

        if (tokenCounters == null || timeCounters == null) {
            return true;

        // Calculate max token count (threshold) 计算限流阈值,即令牌桶最大存放的令牌总数tokenCount
        Set<Object> exclusionItems = rule.getParsedHotItems().keySet();
        long tokenCount = (long)rule.getCount();//默认使用rule的count
        if (exclusionItems.contains(value)) {//如果排除的热点参数中包含当前 value,则使用热点参数配置的count
            tokenCount = rule.getParsedHotItems().get(value);

        if (tokenCount == 0) {
            return false;
        long maxCount = tokenCount + rule.getBurstCount();
        if (acquireCount > maxCount) {
            return false;

        while (true) {//获取当前时间
            long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
            AtomicLong lastAddTokenTime = timeCounters.putIfAbsent(value, new AtomicLong(currentTime));
            if (lastAddTokenTime == null) {
                // Token never added, just replenish the tokens and consume {@code acquireCount} immediately.
                tokenCounters.putIfAbsent(value, new AtomicLong(maxCount - acquireCount));
                return true;

            // Calculate the time duration since last token was added.
            long passTime = currentTime - lastAddTokenTime.get();
            // A simplified token bucket algorithm that will replenish the tokens only when statistic window has passed.
            if (passTime > rule.getDurationInSec() * 1000) {
                AtomicLong oldQps = tokenCounters.putIfAbsent(value, new AtomicLong(maxCount - acquireCount));
                if (oldQps == null) {
                    // Might not be accurate here.
                    return true;
                } else {//剩余令牌数
                    long restQps = oldQps.get();
                    long toAddCount = (passTime * tokenCount) / (rule.getDurationInSec() * 1000);
                    // 计算新的令牌总数,并立即使用(扣减 acquireCount 个令牌)
                    long newQps = toAddCount + restQps > maxCount ? (maxCount - acquireCount)
                        : (restQps + toAddCount - acquireCount);
                    if (newQps < 0) {
                        return false;
                    } //CAS更新剩余令牌数
                    if (oldQps.compareAndSet(restQps, newQps)) {
                        return true;
            } else {//不需要补充令牌
                AtomicLong oldQps = tokenCounters.get(value);
                if (oldQps != null) {
                    long oldQpsValue = oldQps.get();
                    // 令牌是否足够
                    if (oldQpsValue - acquireCount >= 0) {
                        // 从令牌桶中取走令牌,放行
                        if (oldQps.compareAndSet(oldQpsValue, oldQpsValue - acquireCount)) {
                            return true;
                    } else {
                        return false;

快速失败基于令牌桶算法实现。passDefaultLocalCheck 方法控制每个时间窗口只生产一次令牌,将令牌放入令牌桶,每个请求都从令牌桶中取走令牌,当令牌足够时放行,当令牌不足时直接拒绝。

 static boolean passThrottleLocalCheck(ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, ParamFlowRule rule, int acquireCount,
                                          Object value) {
        ParameterMetric metric = getParameterMetric(resourceWrapper);
        //根据rule 获得最后添加令牌的时间记录map
        CacheMap<Object, AtomicLong> timeRecorderMap = metric == null ? null : metric.getRuleTimeCounter(rule);
        if (timeRecorderMap == null) {
            return true;

        // Calculate max token count (threshold) 计算限流阈值,不支持突增流量。
        Set<Object> exclusionItems = rule.getParsedHotItems().keySet();
        long tokenCount = (long)rule.getCount();
        if (exclusionItems.contains(value)) {
            tokenCount = rule.getParsedHotItems().get(value);

        if (tokenCount == 0) {
            return false;
         // 计算请求通过的时间间隔(根据rule配置的每多少秒可以通过多少请求来计算出一个请求需要多少毫秒)
        long costTime = Math.round(1.0 * 1000 * acquireCount * rule.getDurationInSec() / tokenCount);
        while (true) {
            long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
            AtomicLong timeRecorder = timeRecorderMap.putIfAbsent(value, new AtomicLong(currentTime));
            if (timeRecorder == null) {
                return true;
            //AtomicLong timeRecorder = timeRecorderMap.get(value);
            long lastPassTime = timeRecorder.get();
            // 计算当前请求的期望通过时间,最近一次请求的期望通过时间 + 请求通过的时间间隔
            long expectedTime = lastPassTime + costTime;
            if (expectedTime <= currentTime || expectedTime - currentTime < rule.getMaxQueueingTimeMs()) {
                AtomicLong lastPastTimeRef = timeRecorderMap.get(value);
                if (lastPastTimeRef.compareAndSet(lastPassTime, currentTime)) {
                    long waitTime = expectedTime - currentTime;
                    if (waitTime > 0) { //waitTime>0表示当前请求“放入”虚拟队列等待
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                            RecordLog.warn("passThrottleLocalCheck: wait interrupted", e);
                    return true;
                } else {
            } else {
                return false;




kubernetes Gateway API-部署和基础配置

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